30 December 2008

New Year Reconciliations...

Hi everyone - again apologies for the absence of regular prompts and
tips as 2008 ends. I think my New Year resolution will be to have a
good look at my guilt complex !! 

I would commend to you as the New Year begins that this would an
ideal time to look at writing habits.

It only takes 12 times of doing something to make it a habit - so
perhaps you could think about identifying a small project you would
like to achieve at in the New Year and break it down into 12 regular
chunks to do?

That competition you wanted to enter - the short story - perhaps you
could break the word count down into 8 sessions of writing, allow two
for editing, one for formulating into the required format, and one
extra for luck as if you are anything like I am, you will always
under guestimate?

That booklet of your poems, well 12 days of writing a poem each day -
that will make a good basis to form the booklet on and then self-
publish on Lulu..

These are some of my ideas - anybody like to share theirs?

Best wishes

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