28 September 2008

Sunday Muses

This title works on so many levels.  11.33 this bright, beautiful warm sunny morning.  Crisp autumn sun having burnt off shrouds of cobweb early morning fog.  Not quite warm enough to write outside, but I have positioned myself at my "artistic" desk..to allow my thoughts to be illuminated by this unexpected gift of golden light. 

I am now listening to Desert Island Discs -

"Social elite by being excluded.... "

"People give me confidence - reassure by being shocking which returns the power..."

Soundbites which enter my subconscious fingers by way of the conduit of the brain.

Okay enough - end of arty farty writing... dragged back into existence by the clearing of my attic, where the erudite instructions of Montse Stanley have been resurrected, and the installing of new curtains, which apparently hold many sins, they are the wrong size, the wrong colour... yada yada yada....  Now I am being accused of bag addiction, which whilst true is painful to acknowledge..

Now the job can't be completed because there is no keyboard or mouse... (curtains - keyboard and mouse - hey ho) - anyway I am a true womble since the summer clear up and no challenge will escape me.. I victoriously declare as I find them... and am booted out of my sunny room so that equipment can be linked up...

What a blinkin week this has been again.  Back to work was like stepping of an escalator taking me through knitting and creative bliss and back in to economic chaos - literally and on all levels.  It took me to Wednesday to actually work out what needed to doing from the mounds of shifting paper and to Friday to formulate a strategy to avoid doing it....

I discovered two:-

If I ask a question about each document on my desk and await a response - because the person I have asked is avoiding responding "Vwallahhh... " says she triumphantly...  I have created a holding pattern worthy of international airports and can justify my existence whilst still getting nothing done... I don't think personally this will work for me on an ongoing basis, but it will work for me whilst I heal....

Then there is the Urgent - v- Important question - I had forgotten this handy time-wasting strategy but reminded by Social Services - "Yippee...." back in my tool box of all time brilliant fob offs it goes...

Couple this with out-of-office messages on my in-box and telephone message which explain that my phone is broken so I can't ring back unless your phone number doesn't have a 1 or a 9 in it    ... and I am relatively unscathed..


Needless to say my knitting has suffered, but I have a couple of nifty knitty purchases to share later with you, and I am motivated to get my socks and Toby's jumper finished... actually I think I will take my spinning wheel with me...

Off to see Toby...

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