18 January 2006

Quick Writes

QUICKWRITES: Life In ReviewA Writing Bliss!(tm) Series E-mail Course for Writershttp://writingbliss.comCreated by Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ - shery@writingbliss.com

Welcome to QuickWrites: Life In Review, Shani!
In the next 6 days, you'll receive one module containing a short prompt to help you reflect, review and write about your life in 2005.
Day 1 Prompt: 12 Life Events----------------------------

Shani, what were the major events in your life in 2005?

For each month of the year, recall one event. Assign a keyword or keyphrase for each event. For example, what word or phrase describes a major event inyour life in January 2005? February 2005? March 2005? April2005? Continue until December 2005.

When you're done, describe each event in 50-100 words. Put more focus on how you felt immediately at the end of each event.

Do you still feel the same way about it right now? If yes, why? If no, how do you feel about it now and why?

Suggestion: If your child is doing this with you, you can make it more fun for him/her by getting him/her to draw the12 major events in his/her life in 2005 in 12 sheets of paper, one for each month. At the bottom of each drawing, let your child write a short sentence about the event. Staple the pages or punch holes and put them in a binder. This could be your child's visual journal.

QUICKWRITES: Life In ReviewA Writing Bliss!(tm) Series E-mail Course for Writershttp://writingbliss.com(c) 2003-2006 Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ. All Rights Reserved.

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