02 September 2011

At the next convenient location do a u-turn and look for the sky

Hi everyone…

Thank you all so much for your charming messages and I am sorry to have given you cause for concern dear reader. 

The absence of blogging as been due to some creative time - quiet and healing.  The return to my desk was then overwhelming and as I still am struggling greatly with paperwork – even the smallest of forms is defeating my written hand at present – so I decided to ration my time spent even thinking about words and get on with some of those irksome chores of the real world.

I have also been made redundant from my position of chief navigator, journey planner and captive nag arse – a sat nav has been purchased.  I am still reeling from the consequences of this. 

I now have to put up with some robotic voice telling me where I should be going as well as “him the driver”.  I am sure this is not quite how it is supposed to work – but we have had some interesting journeys recently along roads we didn’t even know existed and ended up in destinations which are equally bizarre!! 

But I do have a lot to report when I get around to going through my study notes, and I have had a summer which can be summed up as meeting fresh ideas, people and surroundings – all very inspiring and creative…

I am also finally tackling my issues with painting – particularly that thing about the painting having to be perfect… duh?  If I don’t approach my textiles that way – or my writing – why on earth do I approach painting that way…  So I am changing my habits…

I am doing a U-turn at an appropriate location and looking for the sky – I always do what I am told – even if it is by a blinkin sat nav – who knows she may be right !!

In the meantime, another use has been found for my spinning wheel…..

August 11 142

If I could just find one big enough for me – perhaps I could lose weight after all !!!  Thank you dear Tom for leading the way….

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