21 January 2006

Quick Writes - Day 3 - Life Preservers

Welcome to Day 3 of QuickWrites:
Life In Review, Shani! The modules in this course are short but will help you reflect, review and write about your life in 2005.

Day 3 Prompt: Life Preservers-----------------------------------

For 29 years, I lived in a tropical country. I was surrounded by islands for the most part of my life and yet,I never really knew how to swim. My feet would always touch the bottom of the pool. In beaches,I'd have images of sea snakes and other creepy crawliestouching my feet and legs. I'd imagine stepping into them, which eventually would freak me out. The deep end. That's what scares me the most. Because I could not see what is in the bottom. Because I do not knowwhat's waiting for me.

As writers, though, there are times we need to go over thedeep end to arrive at our most honest writing. This is especially true when writing personal material. We need togo off the deep end and simply trust the water will supportus.

Shani, during the last 12 months, have there been times you went off the deep end as a writer?

If yes, what were you writing about and how did you know youwere writing beyond your depth? And who/what were your "life preservers"?

If no, what would possibly push you to go off the deep end?Life preservers are the people or things that help you getback to shallow waters. They're your lifeline when you suddenly find yourself in over your head.

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